What makes a good reference letter/testimonial?
A good reference letter should include your academic abilities, commitment including your positive attributes and interest towards the course. A well-written testimonial should be provided by someone who knows you well. It is ideal to have it customised just for you, or better, you can provide a few points that you would like to be included in your reference letter. Here are some tips for you:
- Upon requesting a recommendation letter, be sure to remind potential referees on how they know you and brief them on why you need the letter (e.g. what courses you applying for)
- Provide the referee with your most updated resume/CV highlighting examples of your interests/ contribution on the course
- Provide the referee with info on how to submit the letter, what to include (if there are any requirements) and when it is due.
- Ensure your referee provides their full name, email, phone number, and signature on it
- Remember to send a ‘thank you’ letter to the person after writing your letter