Scholarship Name | Value | Intake | Remarks | Apply |
RGU FINANCIAL AWARD FOR FULL TIME ON CAMPUS UNDERGRADUATE COURSES - ENGLAND, WALES & NORTHERN IRELAND | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | International students pursuing full-time Undergraduate course will be awarded with £3,000 and must be a self-funding student at Aberdeen's Robert Gordon University. |   |
RGU INTERNATIONAL STUDENT DISCOUNT FOR MASTER'S STUDENTS | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students pursuing Full-Time Masters course will be awarded with £2,000 and must be a self-funding student at Aberdeen's Robert Gordon University. |   |
RGU INTERNATIONAL STUDENT DISCOUNT FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | International students pursuing full-time Bachelor course will be awarded with £3,000 and must be a self-funding student at Aberdeen's Robert Gordon University. |   |
INTERNATIONAL ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | Eligible if students have successfully completed an Anglia Ruskin University degree and are applying for either a full-time taught Masters course, or a full-time research degree. Award will be £3,000 for the first year of study. |   |
INTERNATIONAL EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNT | Up to £1,000 | Auto Consideration | This discount is available to Undergraduate and Postgraduate taught students, who are studying full-time at Anglia Ruskin University. |   |
INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | £4,000 | Open Now | International students are eligible for International Excellence Scholarship. Students applying for an Undergraduate award should have achieved ABB grades or above at A-Level; students applying for Postgraduate award should hold a 2:1 degree qualification (or equivalent). |   |
INTERNATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students with outstanding academic excellence will be awarded with up to £2,000. The merits based ranges so kindly refer to AUG counsellor. |   |
MBA SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £4,000 | Auto Consideration | Postgraduate students pursuing Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Anglia Ruskin University. The scholarships are: £4,000 fee reduction for 1 year course; or £2,000 fee reduction for 2 years course. |   |
ASTON EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £5,000 | Auto Consideration | Students who can demonstrate outstanding academic, professional and personal achievements along with the passion to become an ambassador for the Aston Master of Business Administration (MBA) will be awarded with £5,000. |   |
BANGOR INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £4,000 | Auto Consideration | All self-funding students will receive a scholarship of £2,000 a year, or all outstanding international students (e.g. 1st class, A grade) will receive a scholarship of £4,000 per year. Eligible for international students except students from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey, and Vietnam. |   |
CHEVENING SCHOLARSHIPS - BANGOR UNIVERSITY | 100% of tuition fees | Closed | Talented professionals who have been identified as potential future leaders will be awarded full tuition fee waiver. These cover fields ranging from Politics, Business, the Media, Civil Society, Religion, and Academia. |   |
SANTANDER MASTERS SCHOLARSHIP | £5,000 | Closed | Students will be awarded £5,000 on the basis of academic merit, personal qualities and achievements; their chosen course, how the course builds on previous education and experience and how it relates to candidates' career ambitions and personal development. |   |
BIRKBECK INTERNATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £2,000 | Open Now | Students from ASEAN countries accepted onto one-year taught Master's degrees at Birkbeck, University of London will be eligible and awarded with £1,000 - £2,000. |   |
CAREER EXPERIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS | £2,500 | Closed | International applicants with significant work experience (at least 3 years) who can contribute relevant and practical knowledge to the classroom will be awarded for £2,500. |   |
CHEVENING SCHOLARSHIPS | 100% of tuition fees | Closed | Students from Chevening-eligible countries pursuing Master's degree at Birkbeck, University of London will be eligible for full tuition fees and living cost. |   |
WORLD CITIZEN TALENT SCHOLARSHIPS | £5,000 | Closed | International applicants who can make significant contribution to the international classroom at Birkbeck, University of London will be awarded for £5,000. |   |
POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS – NON EU ONLY | Up to £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students will receive based on academic background: £2,000 if a 1st degree holder; £1,500 if a 2:1 degree holder; £1,000 if a 2:2 degree holder; and £500 if a 3rd degree holder. The scholarship is only available to self-funding students and those studying on a full-time course for at least one academic year Birmingham City University. |   |
UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS – NON EU ONLY | Up to £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students from non-EU countries will receive a deduction up to £2,000 from tution fees for excellent academic backgrounds. This scholarship is only avaible for self-funding students and those studying on a full time course for at least one academic year at Birmingham City University. |   |
BU INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP: BINUS INDONESIA | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | Students from Universitas Bina Nusantara (BINUS) who is going on to study an applicable course with the Faculty of Management at Bournemouth University will automatically receive this scholarship provided that they have the relevant qualification, worth £2,000. |   |
BU INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP: BNUZ CHINA | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | Chinese students who have completed a relevant course at Beijing Normal University (BNU) Zhuhai Campus, China under the Faculty of Management will receive £2,000 at Bournemouth University. |   |
BU INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP: SIAS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, CHINA | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | Any student from SIAS International University, China who is going on to study an applicable course at the Faculty of Management at Bournemouth University will automatically receive this scholarship in the form of a tuition fee reduction during their first year worth £2,000. |   |
BU INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP: SUNWAY UNIVERSITY, MALAYSIA | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | Any student from Sunway University who is going on to study an applicable course at the Faculty of Management at Bournemouth University will automatically receive this scholarship in the form of a tuition fee reduction during their first year worth £2,000. |   |
BU INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP: TIANJIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, CHINA (FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | Any student from Tianjin University of Technology who is going on to study an applicable course at the Faculty of Science & Technology at Bournemouth University will automatically receive this scholarship in the form of a tuition fee reduction during their first year worth £2,000. |   |
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP (INTERNATIONAL) | £3,500 | Auto Consideration | The Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship for international students is designed to recognise outstanding academic achievement. |   |
FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE DEAN'S SCHOLARSHIP (INTERNATIONAL) | 50% of tuition fees | Open Now | Students applying full-time Bournemouth University Master's degree in the Faculty of Management are eligible for 50% tuition fee waiver at Bournemouth University. |   |
VICE CHANCELLOR'S SCHOLARSHIP AND PRO VICE CHANCELLOR'S SCHOLARSHIP | 100% of tuition fees | Open Now | International students who is pursuing their studies at BPP University course will be awareded full tuition fee deduction. Students must have showcased an outstanding ambassadorial approach during their time at BPP University. |   |
INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | £6,000 | Open Now | International students will be awarded for £6,000 of tuition fee waiver on first year of Postgraduate study only or maximum three years of Undergraduate study at Brunel University London. |   |
MBA SCHOLARSHIP (FULL TIME) | £6,500 | Open Now | International students pursuing full-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) scholarship at Brunel University London will receive £6,500 tuition fee waiver for one year only. |   |
MBA SCHOLARSHIP (PART TIME) | Up to £11,000 | Open Now | The Scholarships is offering up to £11,000 tuition fee deduction for international students who are pursuing Master of Business Administration Part-Time course. |   |
POSTGRADUATE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | 15% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | Students obtained a first class Undergraduate degree from a UK University, either in UK or at an overseas campus or the equivalent of a UK first class degree from an EU institution and applying for Postgraduate courses at Brunel University London will be eligible for 15% tuition fee waiver. |   |
AVIVA SCHOLARSHIP | 20% of tuition fees | Open Now | Students will receive 20% tuition fee. Available for selected courses in the School of Health Sciences, School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering and School of Arts and Social Sciences. |   |
PRESIDENT'S INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Open Now | International students starting an Undergraduate course for the first time is eligible for £2,000. This is based on exceptional grades at A-Level or International Baccalaureate (IB) and meet the other eligibility requirements. |   |
PROGRESSION SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Open Now | The progression scholarship is available for students joining from September 2020 for the following courses, International Foundation Year, International Year One, and Pre-Master programme. |   |
EARLY DEPOSIT DISCOUNTS | £500 | Open Now | Students will be entitled for early deposit payment discounts available on a first-come, first served basis worth £500 at De Montfort University. |   |
GLOBAL MBA INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND | £2,500 | Open Now | Students with offer to Master of Business Administration (MBA) Global with excellent academic results are eligibile worth £2,500 and are applied as a course fee reduction at De Montfort University. |   |
ASEAN SCHOLARSHIP | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | International students holding an offer to study a full-time Bachelor or Master's course at Edinburgh Napeir University and from the eligible country will be considered. Eligible country included Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, and Vietnam. |   |
IAN KAY SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £10,000 | Open Now | The Scholarship provides scholarships to help Chinese students to study at Edinburgh Napier University, and to help students from Edinburgh Napier University to study in China. The Ian Kay Scholarships are available at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level. |   |
SCOTLAND'S SALTIRE SCHOLARSHIP | £8,000 | Open Now | International students who are from Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Pakistan or the United States of America and holding a conditional or unconditional offer to study on an eligible course at Edinburgh Napier University will be eligible to apply for this scholarship. Students also need to demonstrate the aspiration to work and study in a global context and take a position of leadership in their chosen career. |   |
CHANCELLOR YUNUS SCHOLARSHIP | 100% of tuition fees | Closed | Glasgow Caledonian University will cover the 100% tuition fee for full-time MSc Social Innovation Master's programme. |   |
LOYALTY SCHOLARSHIP FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS | Up to £5,000 | Auto Consideration | International students who progress to further study with Glasgow Caledonian University are eligible for up to £5,000 off their course tuition fees. The fee discounts are applicable to self-funded international students only. |   |
LOYALTY SCHOLARSHIP FOR POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH STUDY | 20% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | The Postgraduate Loyalty Scholarship is available to all international students who are applying for Postgraduate Research studies offering a discount of 20% off tuition fees. International students must have received their Undergraduate or Postgraduate taught or research degree qualification from Glasgow Caledonian University. |   |
MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH SCHOLARSHIP | £4,500 | Open Now | Join a university aligned to the global public health research agenda. The Scholarship associated with this programme offers full-time international studetns funding towards their tuition fees for the Master of Public Health course commencing at Glasgow Caledonian University. |   |
MSC ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIP | £3,500 | Closed | The MSc Electrical Power Engineering offers very exciting opportunities to understand the real challenges in future power networks and to develop innovative solutions. The Scholarship associated with this programme offers full-time international students funding towards their tuition fees for the MSc Electrical Power Engineering course commencing at Glasgow Caledonian University. |   |
NEW TO GCU | Up to £3,600 | Auto Consideration | International students who study a full-time course with Glasgow Caledonian University are eligible for up to £3,600 off their course tuition fees. Students will automatically receive the fee discount when students are offered a place on students' chosen course, and at the time of invoicing for each subsequent year of students' degree if students meet the criteria. |   |
GOLDSMITHS ALUMNI FEE WAIVER | 30% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | The Scholarship is available to Goldsmiths graduates who is applying to start a taught Master's programme. MRes and PGCE programmes are not included for this scholarship. |   |
GOLDSMITHS EXCELLENCE FEE WAIVER | 30% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | International students who received a first class Undergraduate honours degree from a British Higher Education institution and applying for a taught Master's programme will be considered for this scholarship. |   |
GOLDSMITHS INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £5,000 | Closed | International students pursuing Undergraduate or Postgraduate taught programmes is eligible for this scholarship. The Scholarship is excluded international students who are studying Fine Art, Design, and Fine Art Extension programmes. |   |
INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE SCHOLARSHIPS | £11,400 | Closed | International Response Scholarships is offering a £11,400 allowance towards tuition fee waiver for each year of study for international Undergraduate or Postgraduate taught students. |   |
KEELE ALUMNI DISCOUNT | 20% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | International students who have graduated from Keele University or a Keele programme delivered overseas. Students who undertook a study abroad placement or exchange programme at Keele University will also be eligible for this fee reduction. |   |
KEELE INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP (PGT) | Up to £5,000 | Auto Consideration | The Scholarship is for students who will be based at Keele University. Only self-funding international students are eligible and students must be confirmed as an overseas student for fee paying purposes. |   |
KEELE INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP (UG) | £2,500 | Auto Consideration | The Scholarship is for full-time Undergraduate students who will be based at Keele University. Qualifying students of the Scholarship will receive the award in the form of a tuition fee discount. |   |
DEVELOPING COUNTRIES SCHOLARSHIP | £1,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is for Undergraduate and Postgraduate who are nationals of the least developed, lower and middle-income countries (as defined by World bank as at December 2018). |   |
KEELE ALUMNI DISCOUNT | 20% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is awareded for all EU and International Keele Alumni applying for postgraduate courses. |   |
THE KEELE INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | £2,500 | Auto Consideration | The Excellence Scholarship award is paid yearly to international undergraduate students who attain the highest grades in their pre-entry qualifications, regardless of household income levels. |   |
ALUMNI DISCOUNT | 10% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | All alumni who have attained a Bachelor's degree from Kingston University London and wish to progress to study a Postgraduate course are eligible for this scholarship. |   |
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Closed | International students who study an Undergraduate or Postgraduate degree course are eligible for £2,000 at Kingston University London. This is a partial scholarships. |   |
INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION YEAR | £1,500 | Auto Consideration | First year international students pursuing International Foundation Year are eligible for £1,500 at Leeds Beckett University. Students must studying that level of the course for the first time. |   |
TAUGHT POSTGRADUATE COURSES | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | International students pursuing Postgraduate studies are eligible for the award of £3,000 at Leeds Beckett University. Students must studying that level of the course for the first time. |   |
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES | £1,000 | Auto Consideration | International students pursuing Undergraduate studies are eligible for the award of £1,000 at Leeds Beckett University. Students must studying that level of the course for the first time. |   |
INTERNATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIP | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is available for self-funded international students. £3,000 tuition fee discounts towards student's first year of Undergraduate study. A further £1,000 tuition fees discounts for each additional year of Undergraduate study. |   |
LJMU REGIONAL PG SCHOLARSHIPS | £3,000 | Closed | This scholarship is available for self-funded international students. £3,000 tuition fee discounts towards student's first year of Postgraduate study. Students must have paid the LJMU tuition fee deposit by 05/06/2020 in order to be eligible for this scholarship. |   |
INTERNATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £4,000 | Open Now | International students pursuing Undergraduate or Postgraduate taught programmes with outstanding academic profiles is eligible for this scholarship. |   |
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS | £1,570 | Auto Consideration | International students will be awarded with £1,570 for overseas fee-paying nationals undertaking Undergraduate, Postgraduate or PhD studies at London South Bank University. |   |
LSBU LOYALTY AWARD | Up to 20% of tuition fees | Open Now | Students and alumni receive a discount on their Postgraduate tuition fees when they enrol on one of the LSBU Postgraduate courses and will be eligible up to 20% tuition fee waiver at London South Bank University. |   |
ONCAMPUS LONDON SOUTH BANK MERIT SCHOLARSHIP | 25% of tuition fees | Open Now | Students will be awarded with 25% fee reduction to ONCAMPUS London South Bank students progressing to LSBU Undergraduate courses. For those who meet the criteria, there will be a 25% discount in the first year fee. |   |
BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS BURSARY AND SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to 40% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | International students planning on studying a Postgraduate taught programme which belongs to School of Business and Economics, student may be eligible for up to 40% tuition fee waiver. |   |
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS - POSTGRADUATE | Up to 20% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | International students will be automatically awarded 20% off tuition fees and applies to most Schools, except the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences and the Design School. |   |
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS - UNDERGRADUATE | 25% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | International students will be automatically awarded 20% off tuition fees and applies to all Schools. International students must also select the Loughborough University offer as their first choice through UCAS will be eligible for this scholarship. |   |
LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY LONDON BURSARY AND SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to 20% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is awarded to international students who applying a Postgraduate taught programme at Loughborough University London campus. |   |
INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £2,500 | Auto Consideration | High achieving international students who enrol on a full-time Postgraduate Masters programme will be awarded up to £2,500 at Manchester Metropolitan University. |   |
INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students who enrol on a full-time Undergradaute taught programme will be awarded £2,000 at Manchester Metropolitan University. |   |
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS | £5,000 | Closed | International students who enrol on a full-time Undergraduate or Postgraduate taught programme will be awarded with £5,000 at Manchester Metropolitan University. |   |
SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENT IN SPORT | Up to £1,000 | Open Now | Significant Achievement in Sport is available for talented sports performers, who are keen to continue their sporting endeavours and compete for the University.There are three levels of scholarship available with financial support ranging from £200 to £1,000 in any academic year and the decision on the level of financial support offered to successful applicants will be made by the Scholarships Committee, whose decision is final. |   |
THE GLEN VAUS SCHOLARSHIP - INTERIOR DESIGN STUDENTS | £3,000 | Closed | The scholarship is available to an Interior Design student who has displayed creativity and originality despite economic or personal difficulties. Interior Design students progressing on to Year Two or Three of the course are eligible to apply. |   |
THE MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY FOOD PRACTICAL PRIZE | £100 | Open Now | The Middlesex University Food Safety Prize is available to any Environmental Health student who has demonstrated excellent academic potential, and achieved the best overall performance in their Food Practical exam in the opinion of the Food Practical examiners. The value of the award is £100. |   |
THE OPTIVO STUDY4SUCCESS AWARD | Ask us for more information | Closed | Optivo has partnered with Middlesex University London to offer to offer one international student, the opportunity to have their accommodation fees paid for one academic year. |   |
THE SANTANDER WORK-BASED LEARNING AWARD | £5,000 | Closed | This award is available to work-based international students who can demonstrate academic excellence and the possibility of worthwhile change in a work or community situation. The scholarship is availabe for students currently enrolled on a Postgraduate taught or research studies. |   |
ALUMNI TUITION FEE DISCOUNT | 20% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is offering 20% reduction in Postgraduate tuition fees for all alumni who are self-funding or partially self-funding their Postgraduate study. Although international students do not have to submit any application form, but students have to provide current/previous study details and/or attach a copy of previous qualification in the email. |   |
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIPS | 50% of tuition fees | Closed | Vice-Chancellor's Excellence Scholarship is available for outstanding international students who apply to commence postgraduate studies. |   |
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £5,000 | Auto Consideration | Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship is availabe for international students who study an Undergraduate degree or Postgraduate Master’s degree. |   |
ALUMNI DISCOUNT | 20% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | Students who have previously studied at Northumbria University, or on a franchised or validated programme overseas, is eligible for the Alumni Discount. This scholarship values 20% of tuition fees. |   |
NORTHUMBRIA GLOBAL SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | The University is awarding new Postgraduate international students a £2,000 tuition fees deduction. International students must also meet all individual course requirement in order to be eligible. |   |
NORTHUMBRIA UNDERGRADUATE GLOBAL SCHOLARSHIP | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | Northumbria University offers a Northumbria Undergraduate Global Scholarship scheme to international students, joining full-time Undergraduate courses, may be eligible for a scholarship of £3,000. The scholarships are offered as a reduction in the tuition fees, for the first year of study. |   |
INDONESIA SCHOLARSHIP | £4,000 | Closed | Indonesian students pursuing their study at Nottingham Trent University will be awarded with £4,000. |   |
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Closed | International students pursuing Undergraduate course offer holders will be awarded with £2,000 at Nottingham Trent University. |   |
POSTGRADUATE MASTERS SCHOLARSHIP | Up to 50% of tuition fees | Closed | International students pursuing Postgraduate taught course offer holders will be awarded with 25% - 50% tuition fee at Nottingham Trent University. |   |
£2,000 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Closed | This scholarship is available for international students who have an offer to study an Undergraduate or Postgraduate course can apply for a £2,000 scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded as a discount applicable to the student's second semester of tuition fees. |   |
ALUMNI LOYALTY DISCOUNT | 10% of tuition fees | Open Now | This scholarship is available for international students who has graduated from Oxford Brookes University with an ordinary or honours degree and wishes to stay on or return for an additional degree. Eligible international students will received a 10% of tuition fees. |   |
GREAT SCHOLARSHIPS 2020 | £10,000 | Closed | This scholarship is available for international students who are from China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey to pursue Postgraduate study in the UK.The scholarship will include 2 awards of £10,000. |   |
SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE SCHOLARSHIPS (UG) | £5,000 | Auto Consideration | International students with outstanding academic excellence will be automatically considered for award worth £5,000 in the first year of study. Applicants will typically need predicted grades of at least A*A*A* at A-Level, IB 40 points or equivalent in order to be considered for an award. |   |
GREAT SCHOLARSHIPS | £10,000 | Closed | This scholarship will be awarded to international student from India, Indonesia and Malaysia who can demonstrate excellent academic achievement at Sheffield Hallam University. |   |
TRANSFORM TOGETHER SCHOLARSHIPS | 50% of tuition fees | Open Now | Students pursuing Undergraduate or Postgraduate courses will be awarded 50% tuition fee based on excellent academic achievement at Sheffield Hallam University. |   |
VICE CHANCELLOR'S AWARD FOR SOUTH-EAST ASIAN STUDENTS | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | International students from South East Asia will be awarded with £3,000 studying full-time taught Undergraduate or Postgraduate degree programmes. Award will be for first year of study. |   |
EIRA FRANCIS DAVIES SCHOLARSHIP | 100% of tuition fees | Closed | Female international students ordinarily resident in a developing country who are admitted to pursue a Postgraduate taught Master’s courses within the Swansea University's College of Human and Health Sciences shall be eligible to apply. This scholarship covers 100% tuition fees. |   |
INSPIRING FUTURES SCHOLARSHIPS | £3,000 | Closed | Students of School of Law taught Master's programme commencing at Swansea University will be awarded £3,000 upon meeting the scholarship requirements. |   |
INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE ALUMNI BURSARIES | Up to £5,000 | Auto Consideration | The scheme is open to all International Swansea Alumni candidates applying for a Taught Master's or Research degree in any subject area ranging from £1,000 - £5,000. |   |
UNDERGRADUATE INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £6,000 | Open Now | International students with academic excellence will receive reduction in tuition fees up to £6,000 (£4,000 awarded in Year 1 and £2,000 awarded in Year 2 subject to achieving a 65% average). |   |
ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP | £1,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is for international students who wish to progress to Postgraduate study and £1,000 is awarded as a discount on student's first-year fees. |   |
BRITISH COUNCIL GREA SCHOLARSHIP - CHINA | £10,000 | Auto Consideration | Chinese international students enrolling on Postgraduate programmes wil be awarded with £10,000 at Teesside University. |   |
GLOBAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students will be awarded up to £2,000 for first year of study in a Foundation, Undergraduate or Postgraduate programme based on academic or English language ability. |   |
£10K SCHOLARSHIPS TO STUDY A CONVERSION MSC IN AI OR DATA SCIENCE | £10,000 | Open Now | Students may be eligible for a £10,000 scholarship from the Office for Students. Scholarships are specifically directed at students in one or more of the following groups: female, black, disabled, POLAR quintiles 1 and 2, refugees, children from military families, veterans and partners of military personnel. Students must also enrol into MSc Applied Artificial Intelligence or MSc Applied Data Science in order to be eligible. |   |
CAREER CHANGER SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £2,000 | Open Now | The Career Changer Scholarship seeks to assist individuals who have been detrimentally impacted by COVID-19 and are seeking to follow a new career pathway with one of The University of Law programmes. Students must have received an offer for a place on The University of Law courses starting in September 2020 to study within on-campus or online. |   |
BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIP | 30% of tuition fees | Open Now | The Scholarship offers a 30% discount to all Undergraduate Business programmes but only for the first year of study. |   |
I-LLM SCHOLARSHIP | 50% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | This 50% scholarship is exclusively available to students who are graduating from an online LLB course in 2020 or starting an online LLB course with The University of Law in September 2020. |   |
GREAT SCHOLARSHIPS 2020 | £10,000 | Closed | International students applying to any Postgraduate course across the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and School of Social Sciences, including Law are eligible worth £10,000 to students. This scholarship is open to China, India and Malaysia international students. |   |
INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIPS | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students with the highest overall academic excellence will be awarded with £2,000. 8 awards are specifically for students from Africa, China, India, Pakistan, and Malaysia, and remaining 7 will open to any international students. |   |
INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS SCHOLARSHIPS | £1,000 | Auto Consideration | All new international students who satisfy the Mathematical component of their entrance requirement will receive £1,000 toward tuition fees. All international students will be considered automatically for this scholarship, and need not apply for it. |   |
CHEVENING SCHOLARSHIPS | 100% of tuition fees | Closed | Chevening Scholarship is available for Postgraduate international students who commitment to work in home country for at least two years after completing Master's degree. The value of award includes 100% tuition fee, monthly stipend and airfares. |   |
CHINA ADVANCED SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £5,000 | Open Now | This scholarship is available for international students from CSCSE who have studied the SQA HND and achieve AB/AAB plus IELTS 6.0 (minimum 5.5 in all bands). |   |
CSE INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIPS | £3,500 | Auto Consideration | The School of Computing, Science and Engineering (CSE) is offering a high value scholarships to high achieving applicants across Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes. The CSE International Excellence Scholarship is worth £3,500. |   |
ENERGY INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | £5,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is available for applicants in the MSc Petroleum and Gas Engineering and MSc Gas Engineering and Management program. Scholarships of £5,000 are available to succseeful applicants. |   |
MSC PUBLIC HEALTH INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | 50% of tuition fees | Closed | This scholarship is available for students in MSc Public Health Program. A 50% tuition fees will be deducted for successful applicants. |   |
SALFORD INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE AWARD | Up to £5,000 | Closed | The Salford International Excellence Award actively supports a wide range of talented, inspiring and creative international students who aim to be the leaders of the future. Up to £5,000 offered in scholarships. |   |
SOUTH-EAST ASIA SCHOLARSHIPS | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is available for students in Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes. Scholarships of £3,000 are available to high-achieving students from Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Myanmar, based on academic merit. |   |
INTERNATIONAL MERIT POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP | 25% of tuition fees | Closed | International Merit Postgraduate Scholarship is available for new international students. This scholarship is worth 25% of the annual Postgraduate tuition fee. Applicants must be self-funded and eligible to pay the overseas tuition fee. |   |
INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE TAUGHT SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £2,500 | Auto Consideration | The University of Sheffield is offering the International Postgraduate Taught Scholarship 2020 to new international students starting their Postgraduate studies at the University in September 2020. The scholarship is worth ranging from £2,000 - £2,500 |   |
INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE MERIT SCHOLARSHIP | 50% of tuition fees | Closed | International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship is available for new international students. This scholarship is worth 50% of the annual Undergraduate tuition fee. Applicants must be self-funded and eligible to pay the overseas tuition fee. |   |
INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £2,500 | Auto Consideration | The University of Sheffield is offering the International Undergraduate Scholarship 2020 to new international students starting their Undergraduate studies at the University in September 2020. The scholarship is worth ranging from £2,000 - £2,500 |   |
INTERNATIONAL MERIT POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP | 25% of tuition fees | Closed | International Merit Postgraduate Scholarship is available for new international students. This scholarship is worth 25% of the annual Postgraduate tuition fee. Applicants must be self-funded and eligible to pay the overseas tuition fee. |   |
INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE MERIT SCHOLARSHIP | 50% of tuition fees | Closed | International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship is available for new international students. This scholarship is worth 50% of the annual Undergraduate tuition fee. Applicants must be self-funded and eligible to pay the overseas tuition fee. |   |
PROGRESSION SCHOLARSHIPS FOR TOP INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE STUDENTS | £1,000 | Open Now | This scholarship are available for top performing international students each year. It is cumulative so can be awarded in addition to other scholarships. As long as student maintains a GPA of 60% or more. |   |
FUTURES FUND EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £2,000 | Closed | The Futures Fund Excellence Scholarship is availabe for any penultimate year full-time student, studying with The University of Sunderland. Applicants are considered by their board of study, to be on track for a first class honours degree. |   |
FUTURES FUND GRADUATE DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £2,500 | Closed | The Futures Fund Graduate Development Scholarship is availabe for any full-time or part-time student in the final year of their Undergraduate study and also recently graduated alumni (up to one year). |   |
HOPE WINCH BENEVOLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £1,000 | Open Now | Hope Winch Benevolence Scholarship is available for current Undergraduate Pharmacy students who may be experiencing serious financial challenges impacting upon their academic potential. Awards are available up to the value of £1,000 per academic year. |   |
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £1,500 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is available for all international students studying on campus in both Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses. £1,500 tuition fee reduction for Undergraduates course and £1,000 tuition fee reduction for Postgraduates course will be deducted for each successful applicant. |   |
STUDYPLUS SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £200 | Auto Consideration | A StudyPlus Scholarship is available for international Undergraduate studetns. This scholarship offers up to the value of £200. |   |
THE SIR TOM COWIE EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | £10,000 | Closed | The Sir Tom Cowie Excellence Scholarship is available for full-time Undergraduate studying a course in the discipline of either Business or Education and should be at the end of their penultimate year. The value of the scholarship is £10,000. Applicants must be on track for a 1st or high 2:1 degree classification and from the City of Sunderland. |   |
GREAT SCHOLARSHIPS 2020 | £10,000 | Closed | Ulster University is in partnership with the British Council and the GREAT Britain Campaign, offering GREAT Scholarships 2020 to international Postgraduate students. Students must from China, Malaysia and Indonesia to be eligible to obtain financial support. |   |
INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP | Ask us for more information | Auto Consideration | International students applying for Ulster University's International Foundation or the International Foundation Year programme and meet any academic and/or English language conditions are eligible for £2,000 tuition fee and £2,000 accommodation discount. |   |
INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | All new international students on the first year of a full-time Postgraduate course delivered on one of the Northern Ireland campuses are eligible for £2,000 at Ulster University. |   |
INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | All new international students on the first year of a full-time Undergraduate course delivered on one of the Northern Ireland campuses are eligible for £2,000 at Ulster University. |   |
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £1,000 | Open Now | Internatinal students will be awarded up to £1,000 and must demonstrate excellence in academic achievement. Applicants must also have accepted an offer of a full-time taught program of at least one year's duration at University College Birmingham. |   |
VICE CHANCELLOR & PRINCIPAL'S SCHOLARSHIP | 100% of tuition fees | Open Now | International students will be awarded full scholarship covering tuition fees and accommodation and must demonstrate excellence in academic achievement. Applicants must have accepted an offer of a full-time taught program of at least one year's duration at University College Birmingham. |   |
ABERDEEN GLOBAL SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students will be considered for Aberdeen Global Scholarship only if students do not receive a scholarship from elsewhere. This scholarship is worth £2,000. |   |
ABERDEEN ALUMNI DISCOUNT | 20% of tuition fees | Open Now | International students who graduated from University of Aberdeen and wish to undertake further study at the University of Aberdeen are eligible for this scholarship. The Scholarship applies to a range of taught graduate programmes and the year one of a full-time research programme. |   |
CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL (CSC) SCHOLARSHIP | Ask us for more information | Open Now | International students from China wishing to study for a full-time PhD in any discipline at the University of Aberdeen. The University may provide successful applicants with a tuition waiver scholarship. |   |
POSTGRADUATE PATHWAY STUDENTS | Up to £2,000 | Open Now | International students who achieve the equivalent to at least 68% in their Postgraduate pathway programme, is eligible for this progression scholarships. This scholarship worth up to £2,000. |   |
UNDERGRADUATE PATHWAY STUDENTS | Up to £2,500 | Open Now | International students who achieve a grade B (equivalent to at least 68%) in their Undergraduate pathway programme, is eligible for this progression scholarships. This scholarship worth up to £2,500. |   |
ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP | £500 | Open Now | A £500 will be eligible for international students who studied at University of Bedfordshire. |   |
PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT | £500 | Auto Consideration | International Undergraduate and Postgraduate students who pay their first year tuition fees in full before or at registration are eligible for this discount. |   |
VICE CHANCELLOR'S SCHOLARSHIP | £1,000 | Auto Consideration | New international students applying for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate will automatically receive £1,000. |   |
AVIVA SCHOLARSHIP | 20% of tuition fees | Open Now | This scholarship is available to students from Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam applying to any taught Master's degrees at the University of Birmingham, UK campus only. 20% tuition fees will be deducted for this scholarship to a full Master's degree fee. |   |
FOUNDATION ACADEMIC MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS | £10,000 | Closed | Prospective Foundation Pathways students will receive a deduction £10,000 towards tuition fee. Students must be enrolled in full-time Foundation programmes at University of Birmingham and not receive another funding. |   |
INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £3,000 | Auto Consideration | The School of Engineering offers scholarships to international students applying for Undergraduate programmes whose fees are not wholly paid by a sponsoring body. Students must also choose a School of Engineering programme at the University of Birmingham of their firm choice on UCAS. |   |
INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £2,000 | Auto Consideration | The School of Mathematics offers scholarships to international students applying for Undergraduate programmes whose fees are not wholly paid by a sponsoring body. Students must also choose the University of Birmingham of their firm choice on UCAS. |   |
WHITWORTH SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS | Up to £20,000 | Closed | Whitworth Scholarship Awards are for prospective or current Undergraduates or Postgraduates of any Engineering discipline who have completed a two year Engineering apprenticeship. The Scholarship supports outstanding engineers showing excellent academic and practical skiils and the qualities needed to succeed in industry. |   |
ALUMNI DISCOUNT SCHEME | 10% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | All alumni of The University of Bradford will receive a 10% discount on their tuition fees. International students must progressing onto a Master's or a PhD programme from an Undergraduate degree, from a taught Master's onto a PhD programme, second Undergraduate or Postgraduate degree or have studied part of an exchange at The University of Bradford. |   |
GREAT SCHOLARSHIPS 2020 - CHINA | £10,000 | Closed | International students from China with the highest overall entry qualifications who are able to demonstrate in their applications will be awarded £10,000 towards first year of their course. |   |
INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE FEE SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £3,500 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is awarded to international students who are able to demonstrate academic excellence. The scholarship is worth ranging from £2,500 - £3,500. |   |
INTERNATIONAL HUXLEY SCHOLARSHIPS | £2,000 | Open Now | International students studying certain MSc and MRes programmes within the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences are eligible for this scholarship. |   |
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S POSTGRADUATE ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIPS | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | International students who progress immediately from their Undergraduate course to begin their Master's level study with University of Brighton is eligible for £3,000 discount towards tuition fee. |   |
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S POSTGRADUATE EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIPS | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is worth £3,000 and is available to to graduates with a first-class degree from a UK institution who progress immediately from their Undergraduate course to begin their Master's level study with University of Brighton. |   |
AVIVA SCHOLARSHIP | 20% of tuition fees | Open Now | International students from China, Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam applying Undergraduate and Postgraduate course will be awarded 20% tuition fees. |   |
THINK BIG POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £20,000 | Closed | Postgraduate students applying for full-time taught Postgraduate programme at the University of Bristol will receive up to £20,000 as fee waivers towards the cost of tuition fees. |   |
THINK BIG UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £10,000 | Closed | Students applying for full-time Undergraduate course, with the exception of Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science at University of Bristol will receive up to £10,000 as fee waivers towards the cost of tuition fees. |   |
CHINA AMBASSADOR SCHOLARSHIPS | 50% of tuition fees | Open Now | Chinese Undergraduate or Postgraduate taught students will be eligible a 50% of tuition fees and available for a maximum 3 years of study at the University of Central Lancashire. |   |
EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | International students who choose to progress to an Undergraduate or Postgraduate taught programme will be awarded with £3,000 at University of Central Lancashire. |   |
INTERNATIONAL BURSARIES | £1,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is available to all international students with the exception of Chinese students. The scholarship is worth £1,000. |   |
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT | £500 | Auto Consideration | Undergraduate and Postgraduate international students who pay the tuition fees in full by the time of enrolment will be awarded £500 discount. |   |
EXCELLENT INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP | £5,000 | Auto Consideration | Undergraduate and Postgraduate international students will be awarded £5,000 based on academic results at University of Derby. |   |
REGIONAL HIGH ACHIEVERS SCHOLARSHIP | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | International students from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Pakistan, and Africa will be awarded £3,000 at University of Derby. |   |
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S SCHOLARSHIP | 100% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | International students are eligible for one full year's tuition fees only at University of Derby. International students must enrol in either Undergraduate or Postgraduate programmes and need to achieve high academic results. |   |
GLOBAL EXCELLENCE POSTGRAUDATE TAUGHT SCHOLARSHIP | £5,000 | Auto Consideration | International Postgraduate students who have demonstrated excellence through academic, extra-curricular, and voluntary activities is eligible for this scholarship. The scholarship worth £5,000 as a tuition fees deduction. |   |
GLOBAL EXCELLENCE UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP | £5,000 | Auto Consideration | International Undergraduate students who have demonstrated excellence through academic, extra-curricular, and voluntary activities is eligible for this scholarship. The scholarship worth £5,000 as a tuition fees deduction. |   |
GREAT SCHOLARSHIPS 2020/21 - INDONESIA | £10,000 | Closed | International students from Indonesia is eligible for GREAT Scholarships 2020/21 - Indonesia scholarship. Students must also have a conditional or an unconditional offer to study at The University of Dundee in the academic year 2020/21. |   |
HUMANITARIAN SCHOLARSHIP | Ask us for more information | Closed | International students studying a one year taught Postgraduate programme will receive a full tuition fee waiver for the year of study, a monthly stipend and accommodation costs. |   |
2019/2020 SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £4,000 | Open Now | This scholarship is offering up to £4,000 to both Undergraduate and Postgraduate international students in their first year's tuition fees. |   |
ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP | Up to 15% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | International students previously studied at University of East London and were awarded a qualification are eligible for this scholarship. This scholarship is worth up to 15% of tuition fees. |   |
EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNT | 5% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | Undergraduate and Postgraduate international students are eligible for this discount if students pay their tuition fees in full before the date specified in their offer letter. |   |
ADAM SMITH DISCOUNT | 20% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | International students from Bangladesh, Nigeria, Pakistan and Vietnam with Postgraduate taught studies in the Adam Smith Business School will be automatically considered for this scholarship. |   |
ADAM SMITH SCHOLARSHIP (INTERNATIONAL) | £7,500 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is awarded to international students entering the Adam Smith Business School on September 2020. The scholarship valued £7,500 as a tuition fee discount. |   |
ALUMNI DISCOUNT | 10% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | This schoalrship is awarded to Postgraduate Taught Master, PhD programme or Postgraduate Research Course University of Glasgow alumni. The scholarship can only be assessed until January of the academic year. |   |
APPLIED LINGUISTICS AWARD | £12,000 | Closed | International student with an offer on a Full-Time Applied Linguistics MSc course will be awarded with £12,000 based on academic achievement and personal statement at University of Glasgow. |   |
SCHOOL OF COMPUTING SCIENCE: FASTER ROUTE INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIPS | £5,000 | Auto Consideration | Excellence scholarships are available to international students who meet the published entry thresholds for acceptance onto one of the faster route programmes in Computing Science BSc / MA / MA (SocSci) / Msci or Software Engineering BSc / MSci. |   |
SCHOOL OF COMPUTING SCIENCE: INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS | £10,000 | Auto Consideration | Excellence scholarships are available to international candidates with a 1st class UK-equivalent honours degree of 75% and above. |   |
UNDERGRADUATE EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | £5,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is awarded to international students who applying and commencing an Undergraduate study in 2020, with value £5,000 per year of study. |   |
UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP | £10,000 | Auto Consideration | The University of Glasgow has 40 International Leadership Scholarships available to international students starting a Postgraduate Taught Masters programme in any discipline in September 2020. The scholarship is awarded as a tuition fees discount. |   |
ALUMNI POSTGRADUATE DISCOUNT | 10% of tuition fees | Open Now | Students completed an undergraduate degree programme, certain short course programmes or an exchange programme will be awarded: 20% Discount-Students holding a First or Upper Second Class degree, 10% Discount Students holding a Lower Second Class degree and those who completed an Erasmus placement with us. |   |
DAVID FUSSEY CHORAL EXHIBITION BURSARY | £1,000 | Open Now | This cash bursary of £1,000 per year is awarded for a maximum of three years and is available to all international students at the University who audition successfully to join the University of Greenwich Choir. |   |
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS AWARD | £3,000 | Open Now | This scholarship is available to support the best international students who have received a place to study a full-time Undergraduate or Postgraduate taught course at University of Greenwich. |   |
20% STUDY ABROAD DISCOUNT | 20% of tuition fees | Open Now | Students who have completed an exchange programme at the University of Hertfordshire may be entitled to a 20% tuition fee discount on selected Postgraduate taught programmes. |   |
REGIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £4,000 | Open Now | International students will be eligible for £1,000 - £4,000. This will be based on your interest in your chosen course, motivation for studying as well as your future career aspirations after graduation. |   |
UH TRUST HEALTH BURSARY | £9,000 | Closed | International students who are starting their undergraduate degree in Adult Nursing, Child Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Learning Disabilities Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work, Physiotherapy, Paramedic Science, Diagnostic Radiography, Radiotherapy and Oncology is eligible for UH Trust Health Bursary. This bursary worth £9,000, which will be paid £3,000 per year. |   |
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students will be eligible for £1,000 - £2,000. This will be based on your interest in your chosen course, motivation for studying as well as your future career aspirations after graduation. |   |
INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE AND MASTER'S STUDENTS | Up to £2,000 | Auto Consideration | New international students pursuing both Undergraduate and Master's studies will be eligible for up to £2,000 per year for every year of study for programmes - BA, BSc, BEng, MA, MSc, and MBA. |   |
MALAYSIAN SCHOLARSHIP - CAPPED TUITION FEES | Up to £5,000 | Open Now | Malaysian students applying for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate taught programmes is eligible to apply this scholarship. A capped fees of £10,500 applied for all programmes in Business School, Art, Design and Architecture, Computing and Engineering, and Education and Professional Development. Whereas, School of Applied Sciences have a capped fees of £11,500 for all programmes. |   |
PROGRESS FROM BACHELOR'S TO MASTER'S | £4,000 | Auto Consideration | International students applying for MA and MSc programmes are eligible for £4,000. Students must also have graduated from the University of Huddersfield in the last two years, with a minimum of 2.1 degree classification. |   |
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S SCHOLARSHIPS | 100% of tuition fees | Open Now | Students applying for Postgraduate research degree or PhD are eligible for full tuition fee waiver. Students also must have graduated from the University of Huddersfield with a first-class Undergraduate degree or a Postgraduate Master's taught or research award with no more than minor corrections in last 12 months. |   |
SCHOLARSHIPS FOR YOUR PATHWAY PROGRAMME AND DEGREE AT HUDDERSFIELD | Up to £10,000 | Auto Consideration | This shcolarship is available to students studying the International Foundation Year, International Year One and Pre-Master's programmes at University of Huddersfield International Study Centre (ISC). The University then award scholarship of £2,000 per year, to international students progressing from the ISC. |   |
GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP | £1,000 | Auto Consideration | International students who is applying to further study Postgraduate taught Master's degree programes is eligible for this scholarship. Students must previously studied an Undergraduate degree at the University of Hull. |   |
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSHIP SCHEME DISCOUNT | Up to £3,500 | Auto Consideration | International students starting an Undergraduate or Postgraduate programme will receive a tuition fee discount of up to £2,500 per year. If students are from a low or middle-income country, students will also get an extra £1,000 discount per year. |   |
VICE-CHANCELLOR CIRCLE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR MSC IN RENEWABLE ENERGY | £5,000 | Open Now | International students who is applying to study MSc Renewable Energy can apply for Vice-Chancellor Circle Scholarships for MSc in Renewable Energy scholarship. International students must also have been awarded or predicted a First Class Undergraduate degree. |   |
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS FOR TAUGHT MASTERS STUDENTS | £8,000 | Closed | International students pursuing Postgraduate taught Master's degree are eligible for £8,000 towards the cost of tuition fees. |   |
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS | £8,000 | Closed | International students pursuing Undergraduate degree are eligible for £8,000 towards the cost of tuition fees. |   |
THE FIRST 500 SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Open Now | International students who have attained AAB from three A-Level or equivalent are eligible to apply this scholarship. International students must have made a firm acceptance to study at University of Kent by 31st August 2020 and enter Stage 1 of their Undergraduate degree in September 2020. |   |
DEAN'S INTERNATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIP (UNDERGRADUATE) | £5,000 | Auto Consideration | This is an automatic scholarship awarded to the highest achieving Undergraduate international students and will take the form of a tuition fee reduction. |   |
HEAD OF SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP - SCHOOL OF EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT | £5,000 | Closed | International students who have been offered a place on any Master's degree courses within the School of Earth and Environment and can demonstrate the academic criteria, professional experience and/or voluntary experience are eligible to apply this scholarship. |   |
INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is for international students who has been offered a place on one of the Undergraduate degrees in the School of Earth and Enviroment. |   |
LEEDS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION YEAR (IFY) SCHOLARSHIP | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is eligible for international students who progressed onto a Leeds University Business School Undergraduate degree programme directly from the Leeds International Foundation Year. |   |
SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL MASTERS SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students must hold at least a 2:1 class degree at Undergraduate level in Psychology (or international equivalent) or a discipline containing a susbtantial amount of Psychology and research methods training in order to be eligible to be considered. |   |
THE DEAN'S BUSINESS SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIPS | £3,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is eligible for international students who apply for Level 1 entry to an Undergraduate course at Leeds University Business School. |   |
PRESIDENT'S UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS SCHEME | Up to £4,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is offering up to £4,000 to Undergraduate international students who begin their full-time and campus-based study at University of Leicester in September 2020. |   |
UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is offering £2,000 to Undergraduate international students who join a Bachelor degree in the School of Business University of Leicester in September 2020. |   |
FAMILY LOYALTY DISCOUNT | 10% of tuition fees | Open Now | This discount is available to both Undergraduate and Postgraduate international students. It entitles students to 10% off their tuition fees for each year of the course. |   |
GLOBAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students commencing Postgraduate study at the University of Lincoln will be awarded £2,000 and students must hold a recognised Bachelor degree with a minimum grade of 2:2 or equivalent. |   |
GLOBAL UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | Internatiional students are eligible for £2,000 which will be deducted from the first year of tuition fees. International students must successfully meet the entry requirements for their intended Undergraduate degree course at the University of Lincoln. |   |
INDONESIA SCHOLARSHIP | £5,000 | Open Now | International students from Indonesia are eligible for £5,000. Students must already hold a Conditional or Unconditional Offer from the University of Lincoln for a full-time Postgraduate taught course of study. |   |
AVIVA SCHOLARSHIP | 20% of tuition fees | Open Now | The Aviva Scholarship programme aims to promote British education in Asia, and assist outstanding students in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam to undertake Master's programmes at the University of Liverpool. |   |
POSTGRADUATE PROGRESSION AWARD - INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS | Up to £2,500 | Auto Consideration | International Postgraduate students who previously studied at University of Liverpool and wished to further study a Postgraduate taught programme is eligible to apply for this scholarship. |   |
UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL FIRST CLASS SCHOLARSHIP | £1,000 | Auto Consideration | The University of Liverpool First Class Scholarship is available to international students on full-time non-clinical Undergraduate degree programmes who achieve and maintain a first class average 70% and above. |   |
UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE (UOLIC) EXCELLENCE AWARD | £2,500 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is available for international Postgraduate students who achieve an average of 75% or above in their UoLIC Pre-Master's programme. The value of scholarship is a £2,500 tuition fee reduction. |   |
UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE (UOLIC) EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | £2,500 | Auto Consideration | The Unviersity of Liverpool International College (UoLIC) Excellence Scholarship is intended to reward high-achieving non-EU international students progressing from UoLIC to a non-clinical, Undergraduate degree at the University of Liverpool. International students must achieve 75% and above in order to be considered. |   |
UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE (UOLIC) FIRST CLASS SCHOLARSHIP | £1,000 | Auto Consideration | The Unviersity of Liverpool International College (UoLIC) First Class Scholarship is intended to reward high-achieving non-EU international students progressing from UoLIC to a non-clinical, Undergraduate degree at the University of Liverpool who achieve an overall average of 70% or above in any year of study excluding final year. |   |
UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE (UOLIC) MERIT SCHOLARSHIP | £1,000 | Auto Consideration | The Unviersity of Liverpool International College (UoLIC) Merit Scholarship is intended to reward high-achieving non-EU international students progressing from UoLIC to a non-clinical, Undergraduate degree at the University of Liverpool. International students must achieve 70-74% in the Foundation Certificate in order to be considered. |   |
VICE CHANCELLOR'S INTERNATIONAL ATTAINMENT SCHOLARSHIP | Up to £2,500 | Auto Consideration | The Vice Chancellor's International Attainment Scholarship is intended to reward high-achieving in non-clinical Undergaduate programmes international students starting at the University of Liverpool in 2020. Students must have achieve at least AAB in their A-Level or equivalent in order to be considered. |   |
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S INTERNATIONAL ATTAINMENT SCHOLARSHIP | £2,500 | Auto Consideration | The Vice-Chancellor's International Attainment Scholarship (PGT) rewards high-achieving non-EU international students starting a Prograduate taught Master's programme. |   |
INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | 50% of tuition fees | Closed | International students pursuing their Undergraduate or Postgraduate degree at University of Plymouth are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Students must have an outstanding academic record and meet the standard English Langauge requirements of University of Plymouth. |   |
POSTGRADUATE TAUGHT INTERRNATIONAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students pursuing Postgraduate studies, achieve the equivalent of a good UK 2:1 degree classification and meet the standard English Language requirements will be qualified for a £2,000 in year one at University of Plymouth. |   |
SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY - INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE GOLD SCHOLARSHIP | £4,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is available to international students who have met the conditions of their University of Plymouth offer of study, for the following programmes, BSc (Hons) Psychology, BSc (Hons) Psychological Studies, BSc (Hons) Psychology with Sociology, BSc (Hons) Psychology with Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies, BSc (Hons) Psychology with Human Biology, MPsych (Hons) Advanced Psychology, and MPsych (Hons) Clinical Psychology. |   |
UNDERGRADUATE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | International students pursuing Undergraduate studies, achieve one grade above their academic offer and meet the standard English Language requirements will be qualified for a £2,000 in year one at University of Plymouth. |   |
CHANCELLOR'S GLOBAL ACADEMIC MERIT SCHOLARSHIP | £5,000 | Open Now | International students from Malaysia may be able to receive the Chancellor's Global Academic Merit Scholarship. The Scholarship will take the form of a one-off £5,000 fee reduction that will apply to the first year of study. |   |
VICE CHANCELLOR'S GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP | £1,600 | Open Now | International students from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines may be able to receive the Vice Chancellor's Global Development Scholarship. The Scholarship will take the form of a one-off £1,600 fee reduction that will apply to the first year of study. |   |
CHINA SCHOLARSHIP UP TO £5K | Up to £5,000 | Open Now | International Postgraduate students who is studying any full-time ICMA Centre Master's programme and from China is eligible for this scholarship. Students are expected to achieve at least 80% or a strong 2:1 / first class degree in their final result. |   |
HENLEY BUSINESS SCHOOL EXECUTIVE MBA (GLOBAL) BURSARIES | Up to 50% of tuition fees | Open Now | A bursary provides financial assistance to a student who meets specific eligibility criteria set by the Henley Business School faculty and whose personal circumstances demonstrate the need for financial support. In addition, a limited number of bursaries are made available to students from specific target categories of students who bring diversity to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme at Henley. |   |
HENLEY BUSINESS SCHOOL EXECUTIVE MBA (GLOBAL) SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to 50% of tuition fees | Open Now | Master of Business Administration (MBA) students are eligible for up to 50% scholarship based on outstanding academic and professional background. The key consideration in this scholarship awards will therefore be the degree to which Henley Business School believes the candidate will make a significant contribution to the quality of the Henley MBA programme. This scholarship is awarded for a duration of 21 months only. |   |
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP UP TO £5K | Up to £5,000 | Open Now | International Postgraduate students who is studying any full-time ICMA Centre Master's programme is eligible for this scholarship. Students are expected to achieve a strong 2:1 / first class degree from a reputable university. |   |
ALUMNI REFERRAL DISCOUNT | 20% of tuition fees | Open Now | For international students enrolling on a full-time Undergraduate or Postgraduate degree programme who have been referred by an alumnus of the University who holds a full Roehampton qualification or who studies here on an exchange / study abroad programme. International students must be enrolling in a programme which is taught on campus. |   |
INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP - POSTGRADUATE | Up to £4,000 | Open Now | International Postgraduate students who enrolled in a Postgraduate taught Master's programme on campus will be awarded with up to £4,000 based on outstanding academic excellence. |   |
INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP - UNDERGRADUATE | Up to £4,000 | Open Now | International Undergraduate students who enrolled in a Bachelor's programme on campus will be awarded with up to £4,000 based on outstanding academic excellence. |   |
CHANCELLORS INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIPS | £2,500 | Auto Consideration | International Development Scholarships of £2,500 are available for students from Africa, Latin America, South Asia, South East Asia, Central Asia, and Caribbean for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses. Higher National Diploma students and Foundation degree students are not eligible for this scholarship. |   |
GREAT SCHOLARSHIPS - CHINA AND THAILAND | £10,000 | Auto Consideration | The University of South Wales in partenership with the British Council and the GREAT Britain Campaign to offer one scholarship to students in both Thailand and China applying for Postgraduate courses in any subjects. This scholarship is worth £10,000. |   |
USW INTERNATIONAL STTUDENTS PROGRESSING TO MASTERS | £6,000 | Auto Consideration | Self-funding USW international graduates who have successfully completed a top-up degree or any other Undergraduate degree involving a minimum of one academic year of on campus studies could be eligible for a Progression Fee Discount of £6,000. |   |
POSTGRADUATE MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £9,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship offers to international Postgraduate students with different requirements for different faculties. Please contact AUG counsellors for more information. |   |
UNDERGRADUATE MERTI SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £3,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship offers to international Undergraduate students with different requirements for different faculties. Please contact AUG counsellors for more information. |   |
INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is awarded in the form of a £2,000 tuition fee waiver per annum and is open to full-time, self-funding students who are classed as international for tuition fee purposes who meet the country-specific academic criteria for their Undergraduate degree programme. |   |
INTO STIRLING ENHANCED PROGRESSION SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £7,000 | Auto Consideration | This scholarship is available to students who successfully progress from a qualifying pathway programme delivered by the INTO Stirling onto a University of Stirling Undergraduate programme in Spetember intake from Africa, ASEAN, Latin America, and Pakistan. |   |
THE AVIVA SCHOLARSHIP | 20% of tuition fees | Open Now | International students from China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam pursuing both Undergraduate and Postgraduate are eligible for 20% tution fees waiver at University of Stirling. |   |
BBA INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Open Now | The BBA Honours course offers general Business study over 3 years and the opportunity to specialise in the following Business disciplines: Business Analysis and Technology, Business Enterprise, Economics, Human Resource Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management, and Marketing. |   |
FACULTY OF ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £5,000 | Open Now | The Faculty of Engineering International Scholarships is offered to Undergraduate, Postgraduate taught, and Postgraduate research students. All self-funded, international fee-paying offer holders with strong academic qualifications are encouraged to apply. |   |
STRATHCLYDE BUSINESS SCHOOL DEAN'S EXCELLENCE AWARDS (UNDERGRADUATE) | £2,000 | Open Now | This award is only available to international fee paying students who have applied to the a Strathclyde Business School Undergraduate degree and hold a conditional or unconditional offer to study. Eligible courses include BA Business, BA International Business, and Integrated Master International Business and Modern Languages. |   |
UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE COVID-19 HARDSHIP FUND | Living Costs | Open Now | The University of Strathclyde COVID-19 Hardship Fund has been established to assist students in meeting essential needs during the pandemic response to COVID-19. It is open to all international students at all levels of study. |   |
JOINT SCHOLARSHIP WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE | £8,000 | Open Now | This schoalrship is awarded to Undergraduate Foundation Programme, International Year One BBA, and Pre-Master program at University of Strathclyde International Study Centre (ISC). Successful candidates will receive funding both their pathway programme and Univerisity degree available at all four facilities of the University. Once student progress from the ISC, the University then awards scholarships each academic year upon achieveing at least 60%. |   |
INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION YEAR IN BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES | £5,000 | Open Now | This scholarship is for students studying an International Foundation Year in Business, Economics, Law and Social Sciences are eligible for one of eighteen scholarships. |   |
INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION YEAR IN ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL | £10,000 | Open Now | This scholarship is for students studying an International Foundation Year in Engineering and Physical Sciences are eligible for one twenty-three scholarships. |   |
INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION YEAR IN LIFE SCIENCES | £5,000 | Open Now | This scholarship is for students studying an International Foundation Year in Life Sciences are eligible for one of eleven scholarships. |   |
PRE-MASTERS | £2,000 | Open Now | This scholarship is awarded to student studying any of the Pre-Masters pathway are eligible for one of two scholarships (6 in total accross the 3 pathways). |   |
CHANCELLOR’S INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP | 50% of tuition fees | Closed | International Postgraduate students who demonstrate academic excellence will receive a 50% tuition fee discount with exception of some courses. |   |
CHANCELLOR’S MASTERS SCHOLARSHIP | £3,000 | Open Now | International Masters students who have demonstrated academic excellence in their Undergraduate degree before they join University of Sussex will receive £3,000. |   |
SUSSEX EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP | £2,000 | Closed | International students applying for Undergraduate courses with excellent academic performance prior will be awarded £2,000 in cash. Students must have achieved excellent grades in Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications and be taking a UK based qualification. |   |
CHANCELLOR'S SCHOLARSHIP | 50% of tuition fees | Closed | International students with no previous study in the UK and have achieved an equivalent of British 1st in an Undergraduate degree will receive a 50% tuition fees. Students will be required to undertake an intership working within the International Officer or other departments and will also be required to undertake ambassadorial activity for the University throughout the duration of the course. |   |
FACULTY OF HEALTH AND APPLIED SCIENCES DEAN'S SCHOLARSHIP | 100% of tuition fees | Closed | International students who have achieved the equivalent of a British 1st or 2:1 in an Undergraduate degree and must be a new student to University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol with no previous UK study. This scholarship is only offer to the Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences Dean international students. |   |
FACULTY OF HEALTH AND APPLIED SCIENCES MSC SCHOLARSHIP | 50% of tuition fees | Closed | International students who have achieved the equivalent of a British 1st or 2:1 in an Undergraduate degree and must be a new student to University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol with no previous UK study. This scholarship is only offer to the Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences MSc international students. |   |
MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) | 50% of tuition fees | Closed | International students who have achieved the equivalent of a British 1st or 2:1 in an Undergraduate degree and must be a new student to University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol with no previous UK study. Students must also have at least three years of organisation exposure in order to be eligible. |   |
MILLENNIUM SCHOLARSHIP | 50% of tuition fees | Closed | International students with no previous study in the UK and have achieved an equivalent of British 1st in an Undergraduate degree will receive a 50% tuition fees. Students will be required to undertake an intership working within the International Officer or other departments and will also be required to undertake ambassadorial activity for the University throughout the duration of the course. |   |
POSTGRADUATE FEE OFFER | 10% of tuition fees | Auto Consideration | Self-funded international students who wish to progress from Undergraduate to Postgraduate study at University of West of Scotland (UWS) are eligible for 10% tuition fees. Students must have successfully completed at least one year of Undergraduate study with UWS. |   |
UWS GLOBAL SCHOLARSHIPS | £1,500 | Auto Consideration | International students who have achieved academic excellence will be considered for the scholarship. This Scholarship is excluding international students for the following courses, DBA and all research (MRes, MPhil, PhD) programmes. |   |
CHEVENING SCHOLARSHIPS | 100% of tuition fees | Closed | The scholarships support study at UK universities - mostly one-year Master's degrees - for individuals with demonstrable potential to become future leaders, decision makers and opinion formers. |   |
FRIENDS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK IN SINGAPORE SCHOLARSHIPS | Ask us for more information | Closed | Singaporean students who are financially-disadvantaged are eligibile. It supports a maximum of three years of Undergraduate study, and will cover tuition and other compulsory fees. |   |
LI XIAOMING SCHOLARSHIPS | Up to £20,000 | Closed | International students from the People's Republic of China who are applying to taught Master's course and also able to demonstrate how their study at The University of Warwick will be eligible for up to £20,000. |   |
WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL PART TUITION FEE SCHOLARSHIP | Ask us for more information | Closed | International students from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time Master's course are eligible to apply this scholarship. The Scholarships is awarding full tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London. |   |
WESTMINSTER POSTGRADUATE PART FEE SCHOLARSHIP | £3,000 | Closed | International student holding an offer on a full-time Masters will be awarded with £3,000 at University of Westminster. The following categories are excluded, Postgraduate Diploma, Professional Practice Courses, Conversion Courses, Integrated Foundation Year or Master's, and PhD. |   |
WESTMINSTER UNDERGRADUATE FULL SCHOLARSHIP | Ask us for more information | Closed | International students from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time Undergraduate course are eligible to apply this scholarship. The Scholarships is awarding full tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London. |   |
WESTMINSTER UNDERGRADUATE HIGH ACHIEVER AWARDS | £1,500 | Auto Consideration | International students enrolling for study into the first year (Level 4) of a full-time Undergraduate course at the University of Westminster will be considered for this scholarship. This scholarship excluded Medical Sciences BSc, Film BA, Fashion Design BA, Architecture BA, and Architecture and Environmental Design BSc. |   |