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Course Guide

What is the difference between accredited and recognised degree course?

Differences Between Accreditation/Recognition

An important consideration when entering university is ensuring that it is accredited or recognised in the field that you wish to start a career in. Whether you wish to become a doctor or a consultant, that is what separates a course that is accredited or recognised.

Accredited Degrees

Accredited Degrees are degrees recognised by professional bodies of their respective professions. Most professions require these degrees in order for anyone to work in the field. For example, a Lawyer who obtained a law degree overseas and wishes to practice law in their home country needs to

  1. Get accredited by the Bar
    Only selected degrees from overseas universities will be able to apply for the membership of the Bar in your home country.
  2. Register as a member and pass the qualification for admission into your Bar

These are some of the courses that require accreditation: Dietetics, Dentistry, Architecture, Pharmacy, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Optometry, Engineering and Social work. It may differ according to the respective accreditation bodies in your home country.

Recognised Degrees

Recognised degrees are courses and careers that generally do not need accreditation. For example, undergraduates who wish to pursue a career in IT, Business or Media & Communications do not require an accredited degree in order to get employment. However, obtaining a recognised degree from universities may boost your opportunity to be employed.

Therefore, ensure the undergraduate degree that you’ve chosen is recognised in the field that you wanted to start your career in. The only important factor that differentiates accredited courses and recognised degrees is the type of field that you wish to work in in the future.

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Choosing A Course

Factors To Take Note Of

Types Of Courses - Undergraduate

Types Of Courses - Postgraduate

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