We're here to help you navigate the complexities of visa extensions and migration pathways.
Registered Migration Agent MARN 1683189
We're here to help you navigate the complexities of visa extensions and migration pathways.
Registered Migration Agent MARN 1683189
Join us and connect with fellow
International Students starting their journey in Australia!
Claim a A$300 scholarship when you apply and accept through AUG Adelaide until 15 February 2025!
* terms and conditions apply
Come meet face to face with university representatives. Get free personal advice on admission, all under one location
AUG Services across
7 Countries
400+ Universities
Free seminar
23 Offices
30,000+ Courses
Scholarship offers
Consult & Compare
Application Fee Waived
Top Support & Top Services
We have a team of expert consultants to guide you through the application process. You can choose to apply here or simply come and meet any of our friendly counsellors to help you navigate the intricate process of getting a placement at an institution of your choice.
At AUG, our team of student counsellors and consultants connect ambition with possibility and expectations with experience. We guide and inspire students to go confidently. We work hard to fast track you to success. We provide the extra support needed for you to graduate. Let’s get set and GO further together.
Top People Top Service Top Priority
We are graduates from Universities around the world. With more than 150 consultants to advise you plus 28 years of experience in placement, we understand your concerns. We have vast knowledges and first hand experience in studying and working abroad and locally.
Education is a serious investment, not only in terms of finances but also in terms of time and future professional development.
Thus, there are many reasons why AUG should be your first choice in assisting with your future education.
Australian Catholic University
Australian National University
Australian Catholic University
Australian Catholic University
University of Southern Queensland
University of the Sunshine Coast
There are many scholarships available for you! We are a qualified educational agency with over 25 years of experience.
We can provide you with the most up-to-date information about scholarship programs, and it’s FREE!
AUG is one of our strongest and longstanding partners in helping students achieve their ambition through the pursuit of higher education. AUG’s wide network of offices and dedicated team coupled with their professional approach and innovative marketing solutions makes AUG one of the leading education placement consultants in the industry. Building on over 10 years of success with AUG, Swinburne is proud to call AUG a partner in our vision of grooming future-ready learners.
I have had the pleasure of dealing with AUG for over 10 years and they are a partner that I associate with quality, commitment and service. Having worked across several Australian Universities over the years, I have seen how AUG has adapted to meet the varying needs of the institutions, whilst always putting the students’ interest first. It is this commitment to the student that I believe is AUG’s greatest strength and satisfied alumni over the last 24 years is a testament to this.
Thank you so much Irene for the help with my applications to the UK! I highly recommend AUG Singapore if you’re looking to study abroad and Irene has been very patient with me throughout guiding me through what to do. Thank you so much Irene!
AUG, being one of the pioneer agencies in providing an all in one solution to future students driven by more than 24 years of experience with 100,000 students being recruited. Counsellors are highly professional, well experience and dedicate their time to carefully listen to the student’s need for the best solution. This provides a great platform for potential students to engage in a personable manner to achieve an impactful overseas education experience at AUG.
I am an international student from Iran and studying my master degree in QUT. AUG helped me a lot for university admissions as well as visa application. I chose to study Master’s program as I think it added value to my degree and perfect for my career. Thanks to AUG, with their professional and effective service, it lightened my way.
My friend recommended AUG to me. Big thumbs up for all the staff members and volunteers for their great jobs in each and every event. They are professional, friendly and outgoing. Each event was very organized as I can see they have shown their commitment in their work. AUG strives for the Best!
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