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Top 3 Tips to get a better IELTS Score! By IELTS Mentor & Expert

Top 3 Tips to get a better IELTS Score! By IELTS Mentor & Expert

Syarat mutlak kuliah di luar negeri adalah tes IELTS. Setiap universitas akan meminta IELTS Score yang mencukupi, beberapa program membutuhkan nilai  yang cukup tinggi. Akan tetapi, mendapatkan nilai yang tinggi memang susah kalau kamu tidak tahu strateginya. Miss Betari dari IELTS with Betari berbagi dengan AUG Student Services, tiga tips jitu mendapatkan IELTS Score yang tinggi. Kita simak, yuk!


Tips #1: Get Familiar with the Test Format

It’s unfortunately not uncommon to find people blindly taking the IELTS test without properly familiarizing themselves with the format. Despite their excellent English skills, they often end up with low band scores because of this. The main reason for such outcomes is that they become overwhelmed during the test, unsure about the instruction variations and how to respond to them properly. As a result, they cannot effectively demonstrate the skills required to meet the IELTS band score descriptors. Take time to learn and explore the test format using official practice materials published by Cambridge IELTS or official IELTS test centers—many of which are freely available online.


Tips #2: Don’t Solely Rely on Practicing Answering Questions

Many students ask if they should spend hours every day answering IELTS questions to achieve a high score, and I always say I am not a fan of this approach. First, because time availability is often a significant privilege, especially for 9-to-5 workers. While it may feel productive to spend hours completing IELTS question sets, my teaching experience shows that this is not always effective for progress. Instead, allocate time to evaluate your learning process: what works for you and what doesn’t. Also, focus on sharpening fundamental language skills, such as expanding your vocabulary, practicing spoken English with real people, and reading genuine English materials like books or articles. By improving your overall English skills, you’ll navigate test materials more confidently, instead of repeatedly making the same mistakes without strategies to overcome them.


Tips #3: Get Proper Guidance and Support

When you see people showcasing their high IELTS scores on social media and claiming they achieved them through self-study, feel free to congratulate them on their success. However, don’t measure your own success or failures against such content. If you feel disheartened by others’ achievements, take a moment to consider their starting point. Many of them began with a strong foundation in English—some as native speakers, others through international education or access to formal English training from a young age. Don’t shame yourself for lacking privileges others might have. Instead, focus on seeking credible guidance and support from IELTS tutors who understand your struggles and have achieved what you aim for. Their experiences can be invaluable in helping you navigate your IELTS journey. It’s okay to need extra help, time, and guidance along the way.


Mau tau tips dan trick yang lain? Jangan lupa daftarkan diri untuk ikut IELTS Workshop and Simulation by AUG Student Services!

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