AUG 阿德莱德
Friday, 28 March 2025 (2:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
- AUG保留随时允许或拒绝任何人进入的权利;
- 世博会周围及展馆内严禁拍照;
- 使用的所有材料仅用于促销目的;
- AUG 对因世博会直接或间接造成的任何损失、损坏或伤害不承担责任;
- AUG拥有最终决定权,并保留更改条款及细则的权利,恕不另行通知。任何进一步的信件均不予受理;
- AUG收集个人信息仅供AUG内使用。所有信息均被视为私人和机密;
- 参加AUG阿德莱德留学博览会即表示与会者同意AUG版权、隐私政策和免责声明;
- Strictly NO outside food and/ drinks to be consumed at the event;
- 参加 AUG 阿德莱德学习博览会时可以选择佩戴口罩(遮住口鼻);
- 如果您感到不适或出现任何 COVID-19 症状,请勿进入场馆;
- AUG Australia is following strict measures in accordance with the Australian Government and World Health Organization to protect the health of the Australian public, including University students and staff and our own AUG team, from this novel coronavirus infection. All exhibitors, staff and attendees are encouraged to be vaccinated before attending the Expo;
- 参加AUG阿德莱德学习博览会,即表示与会者同意遵守AUG措施,以保护澳大利亚公众的健康,包括但不限于在办理登机手续时检查体温和旅行史。
- 学生必须在 StudyExpo 当天申请才有资格享受当天的促销活动;
- 符合条件的学生在博览会期间提交完整的升学申请,参展院校将免收申请费;
- 获得费用减免后,所有申请必须填写完整,并在 StudyExpo 当天在 AUG 桌上提交申请表以供处理;
- 免除申请费的最终决定由院校做出,而不是 AUG 阿德莱德;
- 学分转移须由各机构进行单独评估。 AUG仅协助提交学生记录以获取评估结果;
- 奖学金视发放日期和供应情况而定,并完全由授予机构决定。奖学金的授予和所涉及的申请程序取决于个别大学的标准。 AUG作为促进者,不参与任何大学奖学金的决策或颁发;
- AUG将拥有最终决定权,并保留更改条款及细则的权利,恕不另行通知。任何进一步的信件将不予受理。
- AUG及研讨会主办方保留拒绝任何人入场的权利;
- 研讨室内严禁拍照或录音;
- 所有研讨会均可供任何人免费参加;
- Seminar contents only represent seminar presenter’s personal opinions, DO NOT represent AUG. AUG shall not be liable for any content mistakes;
- AUG拥有最终决定权,并保留更改条款及细则的权利,恕不另行通知。任何进一步的信件均不予受理。
AUG Adelaide StudyExpo 2025 Prizes
Terms and Conditions for AUG Adelaide StudyExpo 2025 Pre-Event Pamphlet
- All students who attended AUG Adelaide monthly event/sponsored event prior to AUG Adelaide StudyExpo 2025 are eligible to receive one (1) pamphlet to:
- Claim the prizes on Expo Day
- Stand a chance for the Lucky Draw on Expo Day
- Only one (1) pre-event pamphlet per international student can be redeemed at AUG Adelaide StudyExpo 2025 for one (1) gift stated on the pamphlet;
- International students who attend AUG Adelaide StudyExpo 2025 online mode are not eligible to receive a ticket;
- 售完即止。
Terms and Conditions for AUG Adelaide StudyExpo 2025 Game Station Gifts & Professional Headshot
- Students who attend AUG Adelaide StudyExpo 2025 and collect three (3) stamps will be eligible for playing in the Game Station;
- Three (3) stamps can be exchanged for one (1) chance only to play in the Game Station;
- Three (3) stamps can be redeemed for one (1) professional headshot;
- Each student can continue to collect more stamps to play multiple times in the Game Station by talking to multiple institutions, attending the seminars on the Expo Day, rating 5-star for AUG Adelaide on Google Review, and liking/following AUG social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, WeChat, Little Red Book);
- Student cannot talk to one institution multiple times to collect multiple stamps;
- The stamps cannot be redeemed for cash or other goods and services;
- 售完即止。
Terms and Conditions for AUG Adelaide StudyExpo 2025 Course Application Gifts
- All International High School Students (Year 12) who provide their SACE details and sign AUG Authorisation form are eligible for one (1) Application Gift*;
- Students who apply to any institutions on AUG Adelaide StudyExpo 2025 (28 March 2025) with complete nomination form OR complete documents will be eligible for one (1) Application Gift*;
- 此促销活动仅适用于国际学生。每位国际学生仅限一 (1) 份申请礼物;
- 学生必须在 StudyExpo 当天向大学/ TAFE/学院申请课程(不包括 CPA、ELICOS 课程),并提供完整的提名表或完整的文件,才有资格获得申请礼物;
- If students do not have complete documents on the day of the Expo, they must bring complete documents to AUG Adelaide office within the next one (1) week from the day of the Expo (i.e. 29 March 2025 – 4 April 2025) to redeem the Application Gift;
- 不会提供替代申请礼品的现金或其他服务;
- 售完即止。
Eligible students can choose one (1) of Application Gift.
Terms and Conditions for AUG Adelaide StudyExpo 2025 Lucky Draw Prize
- All students who attend the AUG Adelaide Study Expo 2025 in person will receive one (1) pamphlet featuring a numbered Die Perf Cut at the registration table. This can be torn out to enter the Lucky Draw;
- Student must put the numbered Die Perf Cut into the designated lucky draw box located at the registration table;
- 每位国际学生必须持有有效的学生签证并出示学生证才能领取抽奖奖品;
- The 1st prize winner, who will receive a $2,000 scholarship ($1,000 in cash and $1,000 worth of AUG Migration & Visa services), must visit the AUG Adelaide office to complete the necessary documentation;
- $1,000 in cash will be transferred to the student’s nominated bank account;
- $1,000 worth of AUG Migration & Visa services can be used for consultations, skill assessments, and visa applications;
- The 1st prize is non-transferable and must be claimed within one month;
- 售完即止。
Publication of Photos, Videos, and Other Identifying Materials AUG may take photos, videos, sound recordings or other materials that may identify you. If you do not consent to this, please notify any AUG staff.
AUG 布里斯班
Friday, 28 March 2025 (2:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
- AUG reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone at any time.
- The AUG Brisbane StudyExpo 2025 and promotions are valid for International Students ONLY. Promotions include: a. Application Fees Waivers and Institution Representatives Counselling b. Free One-to-One Migration Consultation c. Free Milk Tea Campaign Teaser Event d. Free Prizes and Promotions during the Expo Day e. Free PTE Mock Test Voucher
- Participants must prove their international student status by showing either: a. Current CoE, b. Current OSHC, c. Current Student Visa grant letter
- Strictly NO commercialized photography is allowed around and within the premises of the StudyExpo.
- Strictly NO outside food and beverages are allowed in the venue.
- All materials used are for promotional purposes only.
- By attending AUG Brisbane StudyExpo 2025, the attendees agree to AUG Copyright, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer.
- AUG shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury sustained that may have resulted from this promotion or StudyExpo 2025 event.
- AUG collects personal information to conduct the promotion and to process promotion entries. Personal information is collected for use within AUG only. All information is treated as Private and Confidential.
- AUG 拥有最终决定权,并保留随时修改条款和条件的权利,无需事先通知。任何进一步的通信将不予受理。
Application Fee Waiver & Scholarships
- University application fees will be waived by the participating institutions for eligible students who lodge complete further studies applications during the AUG Brisbane StudyExpo 2025. (selected programs only)
- To be eligible, students must on the day (27 March 2025): a. Fill in the AUG Information form and sign the Authorisation Form. b. Submit their completed application form. c. Provide all required official documents. d. Have their application verified by AUG Brisbane staff.
- Scholarships are subject to release dates and availability and are solely decided by the awarding institutions. The award of scholarships and the application process involved depend on individual university criteria. AUG serves as a facilitator and is not involved in the decision-making nor the award of any university scholarship.
- Final decisions of waiving application fees are to be made by the institutions, not AUG Brisbane.
- AUG and seminar organizers reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone.
- Strictly NO photography, sound recording, or video filming is allowed in the seminar room.
- All seminars are free to attend by anyone.
- Seminar contents only represent the seminar presenter’s personal opinions and DO NOT represent AUG. AUG shall not be liable for any content mistakes. This term is applicable only to guest speakers.
FREE 1-on-1 15-minute Migration Consultation Voucher
- AUG Brisbane offers a FREE 1-on-1 15-minute Migration Consultation Voucher to students who have attended the migration seminar on EXPO Day and any other migration seminar leading up to EXPO.
- To be eligible for the voucher: a. You must have attended at least one migration seminar before or on EXPO Day [27 March 2025] b. The voucher is redeemable only once per person and can be used only once. c. The voucher cannot be redeemed for cash.
- The voucher is void if altered or tampered with.
- The issuer reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice.
- AUG staff recommend that students use the free 15-minute migration consultation voucher during their final year of study to receive the most up-to-date advice from our registered migration agent.
- The voucher is to be used after the EXPO, and an appointment must be made in advance with your three preferred times by emailing
- The voucher is subject to availability and may be subject to additional terms and conditions.
- This promotion is only applicable to International Students. Each student is entitled to only one (1) Milk Tea.
- Students must be physically present upon redemption of Milk Tea and provide a student visa grant letter or COE to prove that they are international students.
- To redeem the milk tea, students must pre-register for the event online and share an AUG Brisbane StudyExpo 2025-related post on their social media.
- Milk tea is available while stocks last, and it’s on a first-come, first-served basis.
- 不会提供现金替代方案。
- The milk tea on EXPO Day is prepared and distributed by Fantuan. AUG is not responsible for the preparation, quality, or distribution of the milk tea.
- The rules to redeem milk tea are determined by Fantuan and are subject to change at their discretion.
AUG StudyExpo A4 Pamphlet/Passport
- A4 Pamphlet/Passport will be distributed as promotional flyers for AUG Brisbane StudyExpo 2025 exclusively to international students.
- This promotion is only applicable to International Students. Every International Student must hold a valid student visa and present a student ID to collect the prizes.
- To be eligible for prize redemption, students must collect all three stamps and pre-register for AUG Brisbane StudyExpo 2025. Students need to attend EXPO Day (27 March 2025) to redeem their prizes.
- The rules to collect the three stamps are written on the A4 Pamphlet/Passport.
- Students must present the A4 Pamphlet/Passport with all three stamps collected when redeeming their prizes at the designated redemption table on the day of AUG Brisbane StudyExpo 2025.
- All prizes are subject to availability while stocks last and may be subject to change.
- All prizes are on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Where any prize is unavailable for any reason, AUG reserves the right to substitute that prize for a prize of equal value.
- Prizes are only redeemable on EXPO Day (27 March 2025) from 1pm to 6pm.
- 奖品不能兑换现金或其他商品和服务。
Consent – Publication of Photos, Videos and Other Identifying Materials
AUG may capture photos, videos, sound recordings, or other materials that may identify attendees during office operations and event activities. AUG holds the copyright to these materials and may use them in publications or social media accessible to the public. If you do not consent, please notify an AUG staff member.
AUG 墨尔本
Wednesday, 02 April 2025 (1:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
- AUG保留随时允许或拒绝任何人进入的权利;
- StudyExpo 2025 and any related promotions are valid for International Students ONLY;
- 促销活动包括:
- Register and Attend the Expo to receive free gifts;
- 免申请费;
- Prize Redemption for International Students
- AUG拥有最终决定权,并保留更改所有条款及细则的权利,恕不另行通知。任何进一步的信件将不予受理;
- AUG 收集的个人信息仅在 AUG 澳大利亚境内使用。所有信息均被视为私人和机密信息;
- 世博会场地周围和场地内严禁拍照;
- AUG shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained as a direct or indirect result of AUG Melbourne StudyExpo 2025;
- By joining AUG Melbourne StudyExpo 2025, attendees agree to AUG’s Copyright, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer terms;
- International high school students must attend AUG Melbourne StudyExpo 2025 to receive a free drink.
- 每个学生仅有权喝一 (1) 杯饮料;
- Drinks will be given on a first come first serve basis;
- 饮品有限;
- 不会提供现金替代方案。
- All international students must attend AUG Melbourne StudyExpo 2025 to receive a free drink.
- Each student is entitled to one (1) drink only; (For all international students who have already claimed their drink from AUG, additional claims will no longer be permitted.)
- Drinks will be given on a first come first serve basis;
- 饮品有限;
- 不会提供现金替代方案;
- Downloading and Utilizing the Fantuan food delivery application and placing an order using the platform-provided coupon may be required;
- 下载和使用饭团外卖应用所产生的所有流量使用及其他费用均由学生自行承担。
- AUG and seminar organisers reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone;
- 研讨室内严禁拍照或录音;
- 所有研讨会均可供任何人免费参加;
- Seminar contents only represent seminar presenter’s personal opinions, DO NOT represent AUG. AUG shall not be liable for any content mistakes;
- Application fees may be waived by participating institutions to eligible students who lodge complete applications during AUG Melbourne StudyExpo 2025;
- To be eligible, students must apply on the day (2 April 2025):
- 提交填妥的申请表;
- 提供所有必需的文件;
- 让 AUG 墨尔本工作人员验证其申请。
- 是否豁免申请费的决定权在各个机构,而不是 AUG 墨尔本。
Sticker Redemption For Prizes
- Students who register and physically attend AUG Melbourne StudyExpo 2025 will be eligible to receive an event passport leaflet;
- The passport leaflet is to record the points students accumulate at AUG Melbourne StudyExpo 2025. Students will receive stickers with corresponding point values on their passport leaflet from:
- 各参加AUG墨尔本留学博览会的院校,在其展位参观、咨询;
- Each AUG Melbourne StudyExpo seminar they attend;
- Each AUG Melbourne StudyExpo game booth and student associations’ game booth they participated in;
- 关注至少 3 个 AUG 社交媒体帐户,其中可能包括:
- AUG Australia Instagram
- AUG Melbourne Instagram
- AUG Melbourne WeChat
- AUG Australia TikTok
- AUG Australia XiaoHongShu
- Submitting an application at AUG Melbourne StudyExpo on the day (2 April 2025);
- Post and tag AUG on social media platform to redeem a chance for a sticker lucky draw.
- 学生可以使用累积的积分兑换不同的奖品。每个奖品需要不同数量的积分才能兑换;
- The specific number of points required to redeem each prize will be presented at the redemption table on the day of AUG Melbourne StudyExpo 2025;
- 剩余积分不足以兑换任何奖品的,不得转让给其他个人;
- 此优惠仅适用于国际学生;
- 所有奖品均视供应情况而定,送完即止,并且可能会发生变化;
- 奖品不能兑换现金或其他商品和服务。
Scratch & Win Instant Prize
- Students are eligible to receive one (1) ticket/leaflet to redeem one (1) Scratch & Win prize by attending an AUG Melbourne Expo teaser event such as:
- Migration Seminar;
- 欢迎宴会;
- Partner Student Association Event;
- 珍珠奶茶赠送活动;
- Only one (1) Scratch & Win prize per international student can be redeemed at AUG Melbourne StudyExpo 2025;
- 所有奖品均视供应情况而定,送完即止,并且可能会发生变化;
- 奖品不能兑换现金或其他商品和服务。
Lucky Draw
- All students who physically attend AUG Melbourne StudyExpo 2025 will be given one (1) numbered ticket at the registration table;
- Students must put the numbered ticket into the designated lucky draw box located at the registration table;
- This promotion is applicable to International Students only and is limited to one (1) lucky draw prize per International Student;
- 每位国际学生必须持有有效的学生签证并出示学生证才能领取抽奖奖品;
- 如果因任何原因无法获得任何奖品,AUG 保留用该奖品替换同等价值奖品的权利;
- AUG 收集个人信息是为了开展促销活动并处理促销条目。所有信息均被视为私人和机密信息;
- 奖品不能兑换现金或其他商品和服务。
照片、视频和其他识别材料的发布 AUG 可能会在我们的办公室运营和活动期间拍摄可识别您身份的照片、视频、录音或其他材料。 AUG 将拥有这些材料的版权,并可以在公众可以访问的我们的出版物和社交媒体中使用它们。如果您不同意,请通知我们的 AUG 工作人员。
AUG 珀斯
Wednesday, 9 April 2025 (2:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
- AUG保留随时允许或拒绝任何人进入的权利;
- 世博会周围及展馆内严禁拍照;
- 使用的所有材料仅用于促销目的;
- AUG 对因世博会直接或间接造成的任何损失、损坏或伤害不承担责任;
- AUG拥有最终决定权,并保留更改条款及细则的权利,恕不另行通知。任何进一步的信件均不予受理;
- AUG收集个人信息仅供AUG内使用。所有信息均被视为私人和机密;
- 参加 AUG 珀斯留学博览会即表示与会者同意 AUG 版权、隐私政策和免责声明;
- 活动期间严禁外带食物/饮料;
- 佩戴口罩(遮盖口鼻)不是强制性的,但在参加 AUG 珀斯学习博览会时,每位与会者可自行决定佩戴口罩;
- 如果您感到不适或出现任何 COVID-19 症状,请勿进入场馆;
- AUG Australia is following strict measures in accordance with the Australian Government and World Health Organization to protect the health of the Australian public, including University students and staff and our own AUG team, from this novel coronavirus infection. All exhibitors, staff and attendees are encouraged to vaccinate before attending the Expo;
- 通过参加 AUG 珀斯学习博览会,与会者同意遵循 AUG 措施来保护澳大利亚公众的健康,包括但不限于在办理登机手续时检查体温和旅行史。
- 学生必须在世博会当天申请才有资格享受当天的促销活动;
- 符合条件的学生在博览会期间提交完整的升学申请,参展院校将免收申请费;
- 获得费用减免后,所有申请必须填写完整,并在世博会当天在 AUG 桌子上提交申请表以供处理;
- 免除申请费的最终决定由机构而非 AUG 珀斯做出;
- 学分转移须由各机构进行单独评估。 AUG仅协助提交学生记录以获取评估结果;
- 奖学金视发放日期和供应情况而定,并完全由授予机构决定。奖学金的授予和所涉及的申请程序取决于个别大学的标准。 AUG作为促进者,不参与任何大学奖学金的决策或颁发;
- AUG将拥有最终决定权,并保留更改条款及细则的权利,恕不另行通知。任何进一步的信件将不予受理。
Exclusive Offer for 485 Visa & PR Seminar Attendees
- Eligibility for Visa Consultation Voucher: Attendees of the 485 Visa & PR Pathway Seminar at the AUG Perth Study Expo in April 2025 are entitled to receive a FREE 15-minute Visa Consultation Voucher (MARN: 1683189).
- The consultation voucher is valid exclusively for enquiries regarding the following visa subclasses: 500, 485, 189, 190, and 491.
- Voucher Terms and Conditions: a. The voucher is valid for ONE-TIME use only. b. The voucher may only be redeemed for the FIRST consultation appointment. c. To be eligible for the consultation voucher, the following conditions must be met: d. The attendee must have participated in the entire Migration seminar – “How to get PR in Australia” during the AUG Perth Study Expo in April 2025. i. The attendee must be graduating by 31 December 2025. ii. The voucher will only be distributed to attendees at the end of the seminar. iii. If an attendee leaves the seminar before it concludes, or if AUG suspects that an attendee did not attend the full seminar, AUG reserves the right to refuse to issue the voucher.
- Booking an Appointment: To redeem the consultation voucher, attendees must: a. Send an email to 珀斯 with the following details: o Full name of the attendee o The visa subclass of interest (e.g., Subclass 500, Subclass 485, etc.) o Availability for the consultation (must be within 2 weeks of the email date).
- Additional Terms: a. This voucher is non-transferable and can only be redeemed by the attendee who participated in the seminar. b. The consultation appointment is subject to availability.
First 50 High School Students Attend to Receive Free Show Bag
- Students must participate in the AUG Perth StudyExpo 2025;
- Pre-register and be the first 50 high school attendees for StudyExpo 2025 to be eligible;
- Limited to one (1) show bag per International Student;
- 必须是目前在高中就读的高中生;
- 必须提供身份证明,否则如果不满足此条件,则不会受理此请求;
- 此优惠仅适用于国际学生;
- AUG 对本次促销活动可能造成的任何损失、损坏或伤害不承担任何责任;
- AUG将拥有最终决定权,并保留更改条款及细则的权利,恕不另行通知。任何进一步的信件将不予受理;
- AUG 收集个人信息是为了开展促销活动并处理促销条目。所有信息均被视为私人和机密。
- Speak to two University representatives (+1 stamp each)
- Like and share AUG Facebook/ Instagram/ WeChat and share photo or video at the event (+1 stamp)
- Speak to AUG Staff (+1 stamp)
- Rate us on Google review (+1 stamp)
- First 100 attendees with 5 stamps on their StudyExpo Passport to receive 1 cup of Bubble Tea.
100 Bubble Tea Giveaway
- First 100 attendees with five (5) stamps are eligible to receive 1 cup of Bubble Tea;
- Students must participate in AUG Perth StudyExpo 2025, Wednesday, 09 April from 2pm to 6pm;
- This promotion is only applicable to international students;
- Where bubble tea is unavailable for any reason, the promoter reserves the right to substitute that prize for another prize;
- The promoter will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained that may have resulted from this promotion.
Publication of Photos, Videos and Other Identifying Materials AUG may be taking photos, videos, sound recordings or other materials that may identify you during our office operations and activities. AUG will own the copyright to these materials and may use them in our publications and social media of which the public may have access to them. Please notify any of our AUG staff if you do not consent to this.
Saturday, 12 April 2025 (1:00 PM – 5:00 PM)
- AUG reserves the right to admit or refuse entry to any person at any time.
- Strictly NO photography is allowed within the Expo premises.
- All materials used at the event are for promotional purposes only.
- AUG shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury sustained as a direct or indirect result of attending the Expo.
- AUG reserves the right to make the final decision and amend these Terms & Conditions without prior notice. No further correspondence shall be entertained.
- AUG collects personal information for internal use only. All information will be treated as private and confidential.
- By attending AUG Sydney StudyExpo 2025, attendees agree to AUG’s Copyright, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer.
- Strictly NO outside food or drinks are allowed to be consumed at the event.
- Face masks (covering the mouth and nose) are not mandatory but are at the discretion of each attendee.
- Do not enter the venue if you feel unwell or exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19.
- AUG Australia follows strict health measures in accordance with the Australian Government and the World Health Organization to protect the public, including university students, staff, and AUG team members, from COVID-19. All exhibitors, staff, and attendees are encouraged to be vaccinated before attending the Expo.
- By attending AUG Sydney StudyExpo 2025, attendees agree to comply with AUG’s health measures, including but not limited to temperature checks and travel history screening at check-in.
- For information regarding the Grand Prize & Other Benefits, please refer to Sections 2, 3, 5, 6, & 7 below.
Free Milk Tea Giveaway – Terms & Conditions
- This promotion is only applicable to international students. Each student is entitled to redeem one (1) drink only.
- The student must be physically present to redeem the milk tea from AUG Sydney staff.
- To redeem the milk tea, the student must pre-register for the event online and present valid identification (e.g., student visa, CoE, or international student ID).
- Milk tea is available while stocks last. AUG is not responsible if supplies run out.
- Limited cups per each spot, first-come first-serve basis.
- No cash or other alternatives will be provided for this giveaway.
- AUG reserves the right to make the final decision on any disputes and to amend these Terms & Conditions without prior notice. No further correspondence will be entertained.
- AUG collects personal information to facilitate the promotion and process entries. All information will be treated as private and confidential.
- AUG is not responsible for any allergies or dietary concerns. Participants should check ingredients with the milk tea provider if necessary.
- The application fee will be waived by participating institutions for eligible students who submit complete further studies applications during the AUG Sydney Study Expo 2025.
- To be eligible, students must, on the day of the event (12 April 2025):
2.1. Speak to university representatives and obtain approval for a fee waiver code.
2.2. Submit a completed application form.
2.3. Provide all required certified documents
2.4. Have their application verified by AUG Sydney staff.
2.5. Meet the academic entry requirements.
- Students must submit all required documents to AUG within seven (7) days from the Expo Day. The final submission deadline is 19 April 2025. Late submissions will not be considered for the fee waiver.
- Not all programs are eligible for the fee waiver. The availability of fee waiver codes will be determined by participating partner institutions at their discretion.
- AUG staff will process applications as soon as all required documents are received. The final decision on the application and fee waiver remains with the respective institutions.
- Each student is entitled to only one (1) application with a fee waiver if it is granted by AUG Sydney.
- AUG and seminar organizers reserve the right to refuse entry to any person.
- Registration for the Expo does not guarantee your spot in the seminar room.
- There are limited seats available, first-come first serve basis
- Seminar rooms have limited capacity, and seats are available on a first-come, first-served
- Strictly NO photography or recording is allowed inside the seminar room.
- All seminars are free to attend for all participants.
- Seminar content represents the presenter’s personal opinions and does not reflect AUG’s views. AUG shall not be liable for any inaccuracies or misinterpretations.
- AUG reserves the right to make the final decision and amend these Terms & Conditions without prior notice. No further correspondence will be entertained.
Exclusive Offer for 485 Visa PR Seminar Attendees
- Eligibility for Visa Consultation Voucher: Attendees of the 485 Visa & PR Pathway Seminar at the AUG Sydney Study Expo in April 2025 are entitled to receive a FREE 15-minute Visa Consultation Voucher (MARN: 1683189).
- The consultation voucher is valid exclusively for enquiries regarding the following visa subclasses: 500, 485, 189, 190, and 491.
- Voucher Terms and Conditions:
- The voucher is valid for ONE-TIME use only.
- The voucher may only be redeemed for the FIRST consultation appointment.
- To be eligible for the consultation voucher, the following conditions must be met:
- The attendee must have participated in the entire 485 Visa & PR Pathway seminar during the AUG Sydney Study Expo in April 2025.
- The attendee must be graduating by 31 March 2026.
- The voucher will only be distributed to attendees at the end of the seminar.
- If an attendee leaves the seminar before it concludes, or if AUG suspects that an attendee did not attend the full seminar, AUG reserves the right to refuse to issue the voucher.
- Booking an Appointment: To redeem the consultation voucher, attendees must:
Send an email to with the following details:- Full name of the attendee
- The visa subclass of interest (e.g., Subclass 500, Subclass 485, etc.)
- Availability for the consultation (must be within 2 weeks of the email date).
- Additional Terms
This voucher is non-transferable and can only be redeemed by the attendee who participated in the seminar.
b. The consultation appointment is subject to availability.
Study EXPO Prizes Redemption for International Students
- Students who register and physically attend AUG Sydney StudyExpo 2025 will receive an event pamphlet.
- The pamphlet is used to track points students accumulate at the event. Students will earn stamps to redeem prizes as follows:
- Talk to an AUG staff member – max 1 stamp
- Talk to an institution representative – repeatable, 1 stamp per conversation (Universities’ representatives may refuse to give a stamp if the participant is not a genuine student or does not ask relevant questions about university courses, scholarships, or applications.)
- Follow AUG social media – max 1 stamp
- Attend a seminar – max 1 stamp
- Leave a 5-star Google Review – max 1 stamp
- Post a story with a photo booth prop and tag AUG – max 1 stamp
- Submit an application – automatically qualifies for a grand prize.
- Students can redeem prizes based on the number of stamps collected:
- 6 stamps – Eligible for a Grand Prize (Easter Show Tickets or a 30th Anniversary Gift Pack).
- 4 stamps – Eligible for a Medium Prize (soft toys, keychains, umbrellas, etc.).
- Prizes can only be redeemed on the day of the Expo. Students must present their pamphlet at the redemption table before the event ends.
- AUG reserves the right to verify all stamps and disqualify any fraudulent entries. If a fraudulent entry is detected, all stamps will be canceled, and the participant will not receive any gifts.
- AUG is not responsible for lost pamphlets. If a student loses their pamphlet, they will need to collect a new one and redo all missions to earn stamps again.
- Points that are insufficient for redemption cannot be transferred to another person.
- This promotion is only applicable to international students. Each international student must hold a valid student visa and present a student ID to collect prizes.
- Prizes are subject to availability and may change without prior notice.
- If a prize is unavailable for any reason, AUG reserves the right to substitute it with a prize of equal value.
- 奖品 cannot be redeemed for cash or exchanged for other goods and services.
Consent – Publication of Photos, Videos and Other Identifying Materials
AUG may capture photos, videos, sound recordings, or other materials that may identify attendees during office operations and event activities. AUG holds the copyright to these materials and may use them in publications or social media accessible to the public. If you do not consent, please notify an AUG staff member.